Monday, June 29, 2009

Visit from Mom and Dad K

Here are a few photos from Dad K's camera when they were here this weekend.
Jack is already way better at frisbee than Monica and I.
Yum! Dinner at the timber house. Fresh salmon and oysters right off the Quilcene beach.
Nerdy moment for Anne. I saw this painting/poster of Mt. Olympus in the hallway of the restaurant and instantly loved it. I did some sleuthing on the internet and found the artist's website so I could email him about purchasing a copy. I know, I know, I am an Olympic mountain geek!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey, that a cool painting. I'm not sure I would buy it myself, but I can appreciate why you would do so.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore