Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camera Down

Well, our camera is officially dead. My mom offered to lend us theirs for the summer, but hers is broken as well! So unfortunately I won't have any pictures to share for a little while, but here is a quick update on the happenings here at Cp.
We are checking in the first full-week of scouts today. So far things seem to be going smoothly. We enjoyed having my parents up at camp all last week and Anton's parents this weekend. Anton has been quite busy with his job, so the kids and I have been entertaining ourselves on our own quite a bit. We've been having a great time. Last night we had our first campfire in our outdoor fireplace, complete with s'mores! Friday night we took Monica to the first all-camp campfire (Jack stayed with Nana and went to bed early). Monica was enchanted by campfire and laughed so hard she almost fell off her bench. At her age she laughs at things that actually are funny AND the bad jokes too. We went to Port Hadlock and got a Jefferson County library card. The bookmobile comes to Brinnon twice a week so the kids are excited to visit that next Tuesday. We've done quite a bit of hiking, including exploring some older trails that I haven't been on in years. Jack is quite the little trooper when we hike and keeps up with us pretty well. He also still fits in the kelty kid-backpack so if we venture longer hikes in the future that will be a good option for when he gets tired. I've done several long runs already. I've made it halfway down both Pulali and WaWa points, hopefully by week 2 I'll make it the whole way. We haven't spent too much time on the beach, but have done some light beachcombing. Monica seems to have overcome her shyness from last year completely. She willingly talks to staff members about everything she can think of. The beach director, Jim, gave her her very own canoe paddle to keep. Monica was SO excited and told everyone "Polo gave me this!" When I asked her where she got the name Polo from since his name is Jim, she said, "But he has Polo written on his shorts!" So now we are calling him Uncle Polo.
The weather is supposed to be HOT this week so we are looking forward to a week of outdoor fun!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey there, where did you go hiking?

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore