Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And we're here

We've been there 4 days now but it feels like forever, in a good way. Anton had to go back to town to work (snow days) Mon and Tues, so except for a few respites from my mother it's been me and the kids hanging out. We've taken hikes every day and this morning Monica took her inaugural swim. She did great... didn't mind the cold water at all. The only problem was we went at low tide and the kelp crabs on the bottom freaked her out a bit.
The big hit so far this summer is the tunnels that go under the road connecting the main part of camp to the sites on the hill. They have provided hours of entertainment for running, screaming, and general fascination for the kids.
In addition to try to get some time in at the camp office, I did take time yesterday to go for a run down WaWa point. I found out I'm in better shape than I thought which is always a pleasant surprise. Same old cows in Hjelvick's pasture watching me as I run. Not much changes here in Brinnon.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore