Friday, June 12, 2009

Party in KB

Today was Monica's class' (KB) end-of-the-year party, even though she still has a day and a half left of school. But before we could start the party, the kids had to have their "sharing" time. It was quite something to watch. The kids were in small groups at "stations" where each child who is sharing something today was seated. Mrs. Dirks rings a kitchen timer when it's time to rotate and the kids follow right in line. It was kind of like a mini-boot camp...

Jack came to the party with me. He enjoyed sitting at the big kid desks and pretending he was in kindergarten too.

The kids did a sculpture project with their parent(s) and then headed outside for a snack.

Monica and her beloved teacher, Mrs. Dirks:

As you'll notice, Monica is wearing her Girl Scout vest today over her school uniform. It was "Scout Day" so boys or girls in scouting could wear their uniform to school. Here is Monica and her classmate/fellow Girl Scout friend Katherine. Two girls with beautiful blue eyes!
For their sculpture project, each child got an empty cereal box, some small scrap pieces of wood, glue, and scissors. Some kids made towers or castles or just random shapes, but Monica and I decided to make a tent. Inside we made little beds with pillows, a campfire pit, and a log to sit on while you roast your marshmallows. (Not that I am advocating for campfires inside of tents, but...) At home she decided to put it next to her dollhouse so her dolls could go camping.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore