Monday, June 1, 2009

My "Graduation"

Yes I am graduating from Seattle U. Yes I just finished my last paper and will turn it in during my last class session tomorrow. Yes it is taken 4 years and I am SO glad to be done!
But no I will NOT be walking in graduation. I pretty much hate graduations. They are generally long, boring, and impersonal. And worse: I am forced to suffer through a 3 hour graduation at Kennedy every year, so voluntarily attending another one at Safeco field with thousands of people isn't sounding so appealing. However, I did attend the "commissioning service" for the School of Theology and the picnic that followed. That was graduation enough for me!

Quick portraits outside the chapel:

Me with fellow graduate and good buddy Claire:

Thank you to everyone who has supported me while I've gotten my degree!


Lisa said...

Yeah!! Congrats!! What will you do with all your free time?

Jessie said...

Yippee! You're inspirational, Anne. I don't know how you do it. Congratulations & enjoy your long deserved summer vacation!

The ACD: said...

Congratulations Anne!

Andrew said...

Way to go Anne. Four years is a long time and I"m sure it has been a lot of work.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore