Friday, June 12, 2009

Kid Quirks

Monica and Jack, as I'm sure with all kids, have developed several interesting quirks of late:
  • Jack is not particularly interested in shoes. Sometimes I manage to get him into socks (as you see above) and bring his shoes to daycare. Today he arrived and left daycare barefoot (I brought his shoes and socks but he didn't want them all day). I can sometimes convince him to wear sandals instead, but not always.
  • He is also very picky about clothes. He cries, protests, and wrestles you trying to put something on him he does not want to wear. Last week Anton got smart and put him in clean shorts, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt after his evening bath. Jack wore the ensemble overnight and all I had to change in the morning was his diaper.
  • He seems to have decided to be a MLB pitcher for his future job. Not that I'm going to argue against a career in professional sports, but I'm not so hot on him practicing by throwing his toys constantly... all day.... all of them! I used to really crack down on this except for nerf balls, but recently I just haven't had the energy unless he's going to hurt someone or something. Sigh.
  • Monica is fascinated by how things work. She is always asking about how "the big pillows" (airbags) in the front of the van work.
  • She is deathly afraid of alarm systems ever since she heard the talking version at Katie's house and Great Nana C's house. You know, the kind where you open the door and a woman's voice says "Front Door Open." Monica often points out which houses have "ADT" signs in their front yard and told me I'm not allowed to get one at our house until she has moved out.

There are several others I can't think of right now, but it's getting late and three blog posts is enough for one day!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore