Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Party Like a Presbyterian

I have to say that the cuteness factor was off the charts today. Monica had her preschool Christmas "concert" today. All four grandparents were in attendance with cameras in hand. The kids started off with "Baby Jesus"-- cute little song I hadn't heard before (well, outside of the fact that Monica and Kyle have been practicing various pieces of it since HALLOWEEN), then Twinkle Twinkle, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Jingle Bells with very long pauses for each child to finish his/her exhuberant "HEY!"

Monica's class then returned to their classroom to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus, eat cake, and have a book gift exchange (Monica got "The Velveteen Rabbit").

I couldn't be happier with our choice of schools for Monica if I was a Presbyterian myself. It is well-organized, caring, and professional. Too bad it doesn't go up to high school. Monica loves Teacher Shauna and Teacher Kelly and has made several friends in her class. And of course buddy Kyle is right across the hall, which is a plus.
This afternoon was a bit of a 3-ring circus, as we had the Martin boys here and none of the 4 kids seemed to be in sync in terms of rest, food, etc. Oh well. I finally just downloaded a rockin' version of "Up on the Housetop," turned it up full volume, and we had a dance party for quite a while. Everyone was much happier after that, especially me. :)

Dad and I blew off some steam tonight at the UW coaches' radio show broadcast from Anthony's restaurant at Shilshole. We ate dinner inches away from asst men's coach Cameron Dollar and head women's coach Tia Jackson as they were interviewed. The men had a good win over PSU last night, so I'm hoping that bodes well for the upcoming weekend. "All I want for my birthday is a Husky win..."

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore