Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Laundry Strike

That's it! No more laundry! I QUIT!

Okay, not exactly, but as we speak my husband is currently dissecting our dryer.

Me: "Are you having fun out there, dear?"

Anton: "Well, you could call it that."

Please, I know he's enjoying this.

I am just going to enjoy the fact that after this (god willing) I will be able to run the dryer without a horrid screetching noise that sounds like something out of Halloween 3. Seriously, it's gotten so loud I was afraid the neighbors might call 911 to report a domestic disturbance. We have had to organize our laundry routine so that we do a wash load while we're home but then turn the dryer on right as we are leaving so that we aren't home to hear the noise. Assuming that my competent husband can put all the pieces back together that are currently littering my kitchen floor, we should be back in business tomorrow.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore