Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Dalles: Hub of the Northwest (yikes, really?)

What a Kramer-Krazy weekend!
We drove through rain, hail, sleet, snow, and tsunami (okay not quite) to hang with Anton's brothers for the weekend in The Dalles (new home to Chris, Heidi, and Maria).
Mom and Dad K joined us as well. It was chaos with a few moments of extreme silliness (as you can tell by the pictures) and overall a roaring good time.
Monica, Maria, and Anja were like conjoined triplets, dividing their time between soccer in the yard with their dads, Polly Pockets, and the "jumping couch." The rest of us talked, laughed, sang, and most of all: ate. Despite my morning run on Saturday, I probably put on 5 bonus pounds. Maybe what we eat in Oregon, stays in Oregon... no pounds added!
Tired after today's long car ride and glad to finally have the kids in bed, Anton and I are now sitting on the floor of the family room in our sweats. We just made a big plate of nachos which we are eating while watching all the sports from over the weekend that were saved on the Tivo. Ah, vacation. What's a few more pounds? I'll eat healthier in '08 (maybe).

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore