Sunday, December 30, 2007


Merry Christmas!

Here are some photos from our Christmas. Monica left Santa TWO chocolate truffles and milk, which were gobbled up sometime in the night. In return for his snack, Santa generously left a Polly Pocket Bus for Monica, to which she exlaimed: "He knew JUST what I wanted!!!" Jack got a turtle and mallot. You whack the buttons on the turtle's back until they're all pushed in and then the turtle's head pops out---- OK now that I'm describing this it sounds pretty sick and deranged but actually it's a pretty cool toy. Jack prefers to push the buttons with his fingers, but oh well. Despite being tired from Great Aunt Elizabeth's bash on Christmas Eve, we all enjoyed festivities at Great Grandma Hazel's in the morning and Great Nana Josie's in the evening, (Although I had to catch a quick nap on grandma's couch between events!) On the 26th we saw more of the Kramer side. It was pretty low-key until Mom K whipped out some new game where everyone around the table has to answer questions about sex and relationships. After that I just kept going to the wine bottle. Things sure have loosened up in the 10 years I've been around this family!!!
Favorite gifts of '07?
Monica is Polly Pocket and Dora crazy.
Jack has an assortment of new toy cars that he LOVES to push around.
Anton has enjoyed several episodes of The Muppet Show on DVD.
And me? With every swig of Mountain Dew I am loving my new Dew-logo drinking glasses... thank you Auntie Dorothy!!!!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore