Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kramer-Martin Campout: A tradition in review

We just got back from a fabulous camping trip in Oregon with the Martins. We started an annual campout together back in 2004 when Monica was 1 1/2 and Kyle not even a year yet! Here's a glance at campouts past...

2004: Lake Ozette and the Washington coast
2005: Mount Rainier
2006: Lake Easton State Park
2007: Hurricane Ridge and Sequim Lavender Festival

2008 and 2009 we were on full summer staff at Parsons, so we moved K-M Campout to Brinnon and called it good. The Martins would come to Parsons to see a campfire, go for a hike, etc. But this year Kramer-Martin campout returned in its full glory. Stay tuned for details in the next entry...

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore