Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Camp Names

One of my least favorite aspects of Girl Scout camping is the tradition for scouts and adults to choose "camp names" for their nametags. Running around day camp this week have been "Blondie," "Flower," and "Cotton Candy," for example. The purpose is to provide another layer of youth protection (lurking strangers don't learn girls' real names) and supposedly it is fun for the campers. I have to ask though: if it is such an important scouting method then why haven't the Boy Scouts started using it?
Monica decided to be "Great Wolf Lodge" or "GWL" for short. When choosing my camp name (and realizing I had no choice in taking one) there was only one possibility:

1 comment:

The ACD: said...

Outstanding choice Madam!!

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore