Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I-D-4 2010

We had our traditional 4th of July bash at Nana Josie's this year. Despite the rain and a record number of guests, everything went really well. We started with the usual: bike decorating, parade, and picnic lunch:

The kids snuck in a swim and some turns on the slip n slide before the rain began. A few of them were less than thrilled, but for the most part I heard shouts of "It's not cold!"

At last it was time for the big fireworks show over Cozy Cove. This was the first July 4th that I let both kids stay up for the 10:15 viewing. They were so cute, all cozy together in the camping chair.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore