Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekend Randoms

We had a nice weekend. Saw some friends and family but also just hung out at home. Here are a few random pictures from a rather random weekend.
Friday night we had my cousins Mary and Clare over for a sleepover. We made homemade pizza and watched a movie (all of us except Clare who fell asleep during the opening credits). In the morning we went shopping at Ikea, one of those dark vortex places that sucks you and your money in on their great deals and great products!

Jack is feeling better. Now that he is finally over his flu he is back to eating, for the most part. However we have given up certain etiquette at the table (such as not wearing our bike helmet for lunch) so that he'll just eat without throwing a fuss.

Monica however has had a terrible time trying to kick her illness and fell asleep on my shoulder Saturday afternoon while I graded homework on the laptop. Pretty amazing feat to fall asleep while Kyle, Tyler, and Jack are running around screaming. Her temp got up to 102 again, but we hope she's over it for good now.

Cinder manages to sleep through this chaos also. Freaky cat.

Anton snapped this one of Jack and I doing puzzles on his floor. Random, but cute.

Fireman Jack helped Dad wash the car.

We did some other things as well without any photos to prove it. Jenny and Ernie came over Saturday. We watched Stanford (unfortunately) defeat Ohio State. Monica went to a friend's house on Sunday afternoon. We got out the BBQ for the first time in '09 to make hamburgers.
This week should be pretty hectic. My spring class at Seattle U is starting and I have a daunting to-do list containing things such as "prepare for 200 kids on a retreat next weekend" and "figure out how to get free toothpaste at Rite-Aid." So much to do. :)

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore