Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tournament Time-- Go Dawgs!

The Huskies play Mississippi State in the first round of the NCAA's on Thursday. They play in Portland, which you'd think would give us an advantage but with our luck all the local Duck fans will show up and route against us. Evil. Anyway, my stomach is already in knots about the game.
Today Monica made Anton and I picture which she wrapped up in a gift bag. She told me it was a picture of a Husky dog. She got the purple and gold right, but I did ask her what those big black splotches were. She informed me that Husky dogs have black spots. Perhaps one that has been bred with a dalmation?
Then, later in the dinner conversation Anton and I were discussing our brackets. He said he only had the Huskies picked to the Sweet 16. I told him that unlike some people at the table, I am a LOYAL Husky fan and of course had them going all the way to the Final Four. Anton laughed and asked Monica (who was sitting between us) "Monica, are you a LOYAL Husky fan?"
Monica said, "I'm a Husky fan, but I'm not a Lawyer."

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Well said Monica.

I know of one Portland denizen that will be rooting for the Dawgs.

You may want to consider that the key player from the Trailblazer is a Husky.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore