Sunday, March 15, 2009

Clothing shuffle

We spent quite a while this weekend going through all of the kids' clothes. Keri and I had fun going through everything and starting to get summer wardrobes ready for the kids. Anything that our kids had been wearing that was too small went to Tyler or into storage, and new clothes came out of storage. We are thankful that we are basically part of a clothing co-op between several familes to share children's clothes. It cuts down on costs and is a bit earth-friendlier.
The best find was this firefighter raincoat passed down from Oliver. Jack wore it around the house all afternoon.
Anton also got in on the fun, sporting his own unique fashion of green sweatpants, blue slippers, and purple and gold huskies socks!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore