Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tolo Date?

On Friday, Jack and his friends from daycare (Ysun, Chloe, and Riley-- known in the Christmas letter as "Ry-Ry") got dressed up and came to Kennedy for the tolo court assembly. They were going to walk up the envelopes containing the winners to the podium.

The above picture is Annie trying to get the kids to walk down the pathway to the podium. Chloe and Ysun took off running towards it. Jack walked about 5 steps and then burst into tears. Riley just started wandering the gym floor. I quickly rescued the younger ones and walked them up to the podium with me. So I guess Jack and Ry-Ry were tolo dates this year, although after such a traumatic time we'll be lucky if they ever want to go to tolo in the future!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore