Monday, April 6, 2009

Lucky 7

Today was our 7th anniversary. We take turns planning our yearly outing, and this year was Anton's turn. Despite me having a cold and our anniversary falling on a Monday when lots of places are closed, he planned a nice evening and we had a great time. We started with dinner at the Spaghetti Factory followed by a visit to the Olympic Sculpture Park (photo above-- not taken by us!). The weather was amazing, especially compared to what we've had for the last few weeks. It was a sunny and clear 70 degrees! Then we did a little shopping downtown and finally hit Fox Sports Grill for the second half of the championship game and our favorite dessert: the skillet cookie with ice cream. If you haven't tried this unbelievable dessert, we recommend it!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore