Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day!

For Earth Day (and for Monica to earn a Girl Scout badge) we did a litter pick-up of our neighborhood. Here was the dialogue before:
Monica: What are we doing for family fun tonight?
Me: We're going to do a litter sweep in the loop. Then you can earn your green badge.
Monica: Awww, that's not fun!
Me: Sure it is. (thinking fast on my feet) We'll compete to see who gets the most garbage in their bag: me, Daddy, or you and Jack working together.
Monica: What does the winner get?
Me: The winner gets to eat their dessert first.
Monica: Oooh! Yeah, that sounds like SO much fun!
The competition added a whole new twist to the activity. Monica and Jack were SO excited when they found a piece of garbage for their bag and would race ahead of Anton and I to pick it up. Anton still ended up winning, but he didn't want any dessert, so it was really like M and J won. The best part of the evening was how many of our neighbors (some of whom I've never even talked to) stopped to say hi and thanked us for cleaning up the street.
Happy Earth Day everyone!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore