Monday, July 27, 2009

Heat Wave

Well it's definitely mid-summer. The trails are dusty. The water is warm. The staff is singing Bon Jovi. ("Oh, we're halfway there...") And it is supposed to hit 90 every day this week. It will be a great week to be at camp, especially in the water.
But on the down side: the staff is still restructuring somewhat and hasn't exactly hit their stride, my husband has been chained to his office more often than not, camp is low on water, and this week's troops seem to be rowdy and prone to complaining. I'm already dreading visiting my designated sites.
To Monica and Jack though who are oblivious all of this, all of their thoughts amount to
hot = swimming
I guess I will have to oblige them by taking them to the beach every day. Twist my arm.
Best wishes to our good friends Scott and Kristine who are hiking the Skyline trail next week, a trek Anton and I did three years ago. It's a beautiful hike along a ridge with breathtakng views of Mt. Olympus. And speaking of Olympus, I successfully purchased a copy of the poster I saw at the Timber House Restaurant. I am still contemplating the perfect spot for it at home. Our house is beginning to look a bit like a shrine to the Olympic Mountains.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore