Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July- Part 1

We left camp late Friday night for our weekend at my family's 4th of July celebration.
When we left Brinnon the temp was 71. When we rolled into our driveway at 11pm, it was 75. It made me wonder what kind of idiots we were to leave the cool forest shade of our camp cabin for this, but oh well. Luckily the hot weather made for a great time at the lake the next day.

I have been celebrating the 4th of July with my mom's side of the family since I was a child. To our family, this holiday is bigger than Christmas. (Not bad for a bunch of Canadians.) In the morning we participate in the community parade and picnic. Then we spend the afternoon swimming off Nana's dock (she lives on Yarrow Point on Lake Washington). We BBQ dinner and watch the professional fireworks over Cozy Cove (the fireworks barge is a stone's throw from Nana's dock).
It fun to have Monica and Jack participate in the parade just as my cousins and I did. They love to decorate their stroller/wagon/bike (depends on the year) with streamers, balloons, etc.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore