Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chain of Events

Last night was quite the series of events. Here's what happened:
10:00 pm Both very tired, Anton and I get to bed early.
10:30 Anton's mother calls, but agrees she'll call back later when we're not asleep.
11:00 Anton gets up again to put the annoying cat out.
12:00 Anton notices the power is out. Realizing the power is out, Anton assumes that his alarm hasn't gone off and that he has overslept for work. He bolts out of bed nearly scaring me to death and runs for the shower. Then he notices it's only midnight, remembers this was a scheduled outage by the power company that we were aware of, but of course had forgotten about. He sets the alarm on the cell phone and gets back in bed.
4:00ish am The power has come back on and the alarm on our regular clock is blaring because Anton forgot to turn the button to "off" and now the time is set totally wrong. We both wake, turn alarm off, and go back to sleep.
5:45 The alarm on the cell phone goes off, and Anton gets in the shower.
6:05 The phone rings. I wait for Anton to get it but then realize he's probably in the shower. I lurch out of bed to get it and bark a hello into the receiver. It is Judith, my department head, informing me that we are two hours late start today. I didn't even know it had snowed. I go into the bathroom to tell Anton that JFK has late start.
6:30 Anton comes back into our room to tell me that he checked the news and ALL three of our schools are two hours late.
7:30 I finally get up and get the kids up too (although I think Monica was awake and playing in her room this whole time). I make a batch of pancakes for a leisurely breakfast before we all head out for the day.
It was quite the night!
Here was the view from our back patio:
I am SO done with snow!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore