Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Jennifer

Every year I flowers to the St. Cecilia statue at Holy Names on Jennifer's birthday. My friends and I had the statue restored and dedicated to Jennifer, so it is a special place to all of us. Yesterday would have been her 30th birthday so I have been thinking about her a lot. I didn't manage to bring the flowers until today, however. Part of me felt torn that I should drive up there on her ACTUAL birthday, but it worked better today because I had class at Seattle U anyway. Besides, Jennifer was always so practical, she would have been completely annoyed at the thought of me making an extra trip just to make it on her birthday. :)
We love you, Jen!


Jessie said...

Thank you for bringing the flowers - what a nice way to celebrate her ;-)

seattleerin said...

Anne, I know Jennifer would have been very proud of your practicality, going to HNA the day AFTER her actual birthday. : ) So glad you honored her birthday in that way.

Anonymous said...

A lovely tribute, Anne.
And love to all of you who remember Jennifer so fondly.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore