Monday, February 16, 2009

Shrinky Dinks

The 80s are back!
Just ask my students who are now wearing leggings, long shirts, and headbands!
Well, if we're going back to bad fashion, the least we can do is bring back some of the good things from the 80s as well, such as music, the price of gas, and Shrinky Dinks!
Monica got a Shrinky Dink kit for her birhday from my cousin Clare. If you're not familiar with these peculiar toys, you color a design on special "paper," then put them in the oven and they shrink and harden to be used as jewelry, little toys or whatever.
Monica had great fun with her new kit today!
"Are they done yet, Mom?"

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Good to hear that the 80s are back, just in time for my high school 20 year reunion.

I still have a Shrinky Dink Christmas Tree ornament.



"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore