Sunday, September 28, 2008

Race Day!

Today was Monica's first cross country meet! Anton and I really had no idea what to expect and were trying to be prepared for everything from her crying and refusing to run all the way to her winning the whole thing (she does have good genes you know :) ). It was a warm day (84 degrees) but there was a nice breeze blowing at Woodland Park, where the meet was held. We made camp near the tent set up for our team, the South End Saints, which is comprised of students from St. Francis, St. Philomena, and St. Bernadette. It's K-8 so as you can imagine, the meet was absolutely crazy. Here are a few moments we captured:

Monica and Eva, pre-race.

Team prayer and pep-talk from Coach Bruce.

Disgruntled fan: "I wanna run too!"

Warm-up and stretching

The race was about 1/2 mile. The course started on the grass field you see here, then they funnel onto a trail that loops them around and back toward the grass for the finish.

She finished... and with a big smile on her face! They don't keep times or places for her age group, but she was about middle of the pack.

Post-run cool down and water. What a great day!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore