Thursday, April 30, 2009
Scout Nite at the Fire Station
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
More Weekend Randoms
Sunday while Anton was out helping his dad, the kids and I went to the garden store and picked out some flowers. Monica is REALLY into helping me these days, even with something as dirty as planting flowers. However, she opted to pull them out of their pots while I planted. Her comment when I'm up to my elbows in soil: "Ugh, I'm glad I don't have THAT job!"
We also went to the library. We have always loved using the library, but never with the zeal shown so far in 2009. Both J and M are very into reading these days and both will spend hours reading on their own (or in Jack's case, turning pictures and pointing at things). Anton and I also spend a lot of time reading to them, and I recently realized that I enjoy this activity a lot more if I haven't read the book to them A HUNDRED TIMES! So, we are now checking out at least a dozen books a week. We usually go on Wednesdays when Monica is out of school early, but this week we waited until Sunday. Since library visits have become more frequent, we have been clearer about our library ground rules:
1. Read to yourself first, then Mommy will read. (This gives me 10 minutes or so to browse for myself.)
2. Pick out 4 books you want to take home. But Mom also gets to choose some. This brings us to about 12. (I've taken to bringing in one of those re-usable shopping bags for our weekly book haul.)
3. No choosing books we've recently checked out or already have at home. Yes, they do actually try this!
4. No using the games on the kids computers. We came here to read, not to play video games. (Aren't I mean?)
5. And finally, only one book per series at a time. I'm not going to suffer through a week with nothing but Dora the Explorer or Bob the Builder to read!!!
Despite this questionable look, Jack was quite enthused by his new stack of books today!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Earth Day!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy Birthday, Auntie Tina!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Great Wolf Lodge!
We just returned home from an amazing vacation at Great Wolf Lodge resort, which is located just south of Olympia. We had an AWESOME time!
Monica was so excited all day getting ready to go. She packed her Polly Pockets and Minnie Mouse of course.
The kids were dying to go to the waterpark the moment we checked in. As Jack would say, "Wat-oh pak? Wat-oh pak?"
Bedtime was not a particularly popular activity. Having a tickle-fest on the bed with Dad was much more entertaining. We didn't get too much sleep, but the fun made up for it.
Okay, so true confession time: I loved the waterpark, the activities, and seeing the kids so happy. But MY favorite part? Walking 100 yards down the hall in my PJ's to Starbucks in the morning! And I didn't even have to bring my purse because the little armband they give you opens the door to your room, admits you to the waterpark, and charges anything you want to buy or eat... including Starbucks! Anton and I enjoyed sipping coffee and reading in bed for a while in the morning while the kids watched cartoons. But it wasn't long before they were aching to start the REAL activities for the day: trying out the treasure hunt magic wand thingy (which they did with Anton) and then another long excursion in the water.
Thanks to Uncle Buck and Auntie Tina for the gift of this vacation. Anton and I aren't very good about planning such outings just for our family, but the time away together was wonderful and I know the kids will be talking about it for years to come. Monica already wants to come back!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Weekend 09
Woah, what's in this one? ANOTHER marhsmallow? Wow what a surprise! (Most of them had marshmallows)
Monica creamed him in the egg hunt, but Jack didn't seem to mind.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Lucky 7

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Tolo Date?
"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore