TGI-Basketball season! Seattle football is so depressing that I'm beginning to understand our city's high suicide rate. Hopefully our UW basketball teams will do much better.
Tonight I took Monica and Kyle to an exhibition game for the UW women's basketball team. As usual, they were more occupied with snacks, the band and cheer squad, and following Harry the Husky around the stadium than the game itself, but another year of maturity means they can actually sit still for long enough periods that I can watch a good portion of the game. Here are a few highlights:
- When we sat down Mo and Kyle asked if the game had started yet. I said no, they're just warming up which means they're practicing. Moncia, one minute later: "What's the score?"
- We were playing Corban College, a team we beat when I played at Willamette, so not surprisingly the Huskies blew them out. It was an exhibition game, meaning free entry and it doesn't count on our record anyway. Still, Monica said "Look mom, the game IS on TV! There's all the cameras!" Sure, Mo, maybe on the public access channel.
- The rolling ad screen under the scorer's table read "Diet Pepsi: Fueling the Fans." Well it's certainly not fueling THIS fan. I will have to wear my "Real Dawgs drink Mountain Dew" t-shirt more often to these games.
- At the snack stand, Monica and Kyle requested dessert over their usual popcorn snacks. Unfortunately, the closest thing they were selling was dippin' dots. Neither of the kids had tried them before and I was hesitant to shell out 4 bucks a dish when they might not even like it. But the lady at the stand assured us it tasted like ice cream, so we took the plunge. They had five choices of flavors, which I read off for the kids: vanilla, chocolate, banana, tropical, or mint. I asked Kyle which kind he wanted. He replied, "Banana." I asked Monica which kind she wanted. She replied, "Strawberry." Huh? Did I not just read the list moments ago? She ended up choosing vanilla and thankfully, both Monica and Kyle LOVED dippin' dots!

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