We had a FABULOUS Halloween this year. We did a combined Kramer / Carter / Martin family extravaganza, and I think it was a toss up as to who had more fun: the kids or the parents!
All evening, Batman Oliver kept the city safe from daring pirates like Kyle "Sparrow," while Monica the Explorer and Abigail Ingalls Wilder set off on adventures of their own. Meanwhile, a toddling Pooh Bear (Tyler) and a happy green frog (Jack) ran lose everywhere!
Tagging along with the kids trick-or-treating was hilarious. We teamed up with several other neighborhood kids, making it a group of close to 15 kids. Total awesome chaos! We had actually debated if we were going to take Jack out or not. We worried he wouldn't really understand what was going on and get trampled by the other kids, but this was far from what happened. Jack diligently trotted along behind the group and followed them up to each doorstep. He quickly figured out that he was supposed to take a piece of candy from the bowl and put it in his pumpkin bucket. Then he'd say "tay-yoo" (thank-you) and hurry along after the group in his big green suit. It was seriously one of the most adorable things I've ever seen.
It's not easy being green, but someone's gotta do it!
After regrouping at the Carters, we managed to get ALL of the kids to bed so the adults could enjoy late-night cocktails and games. We ended with a giant sleepover and woke up to Uncle Anton's giant pancakes for breakfast! What a Halloween!
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