Saturday, November 1, 2008

Orange and Black Day

Thursday (the famous orange-and-black free dress day) Monica's class had a party. Parents were invited, so I raced over to St. Francis from Kennedy once my 5th period class was over. I arrived just in time. Monica and her classmates first performed the ABC song, then the Zoo song, and finally the Calendar song... all little tunes with hand gestures that Mrs. Dirks is using to teach them concepts. It was very sweet and I was so impressed they learned so many lyrics in just a couple months!

Singing along with her classmates.
Class photo
Smiley Monica in the back row
Yummy Halloween treats

For All Saints' day, each student brought in a photo of a loved one who has died. Monica brought the picture from her room of Jennifer holding her when she was about 6 months old. Here are all the photos the children brought in spread out on the class prayer table.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore