Friday, May 16, 2008

Hot Town, Summer in the City

With the weather like 85 degrees today I can't put off getting out Jack's summer clothes any longer. Here he is "helping" me sort... picture taken moments before he decided to destroy all my piles. (By the way he IS wearing a diaper in this picture. ) It turns out we had FIVE bags/boxes of size 2 clothes stashed around the house. That's the great part of being in our clothing co-op and receiving lots of hand-me-downs, I've almost never had to buy clothes for our kids... although I have to say that 5 boxes is really pushing it. Jack has more t-shirts than I do! I'm sure in all these piles we can find something for him to wear while running through the sprinkler tomorrow without mooning the neighbors.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore