Friday, May 23, 2008


Here's Anton-the-Ant-Killer ready to slay the beasts with a newfangled chemical. Thank goodness, because while I'm pretty laid back about the occasional bug or even mouse getting inside, this spring it's like ant-mania around here. Luckily it's not those huge, gross, and nasty carpenter ants... just the little guys, but STILL! Monica has become a super ant killer-- she sprays 409 on them when she sees them, but after 2+ weeks with them still returning, Anton decided it's time to raise the stakes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Jill can testify to, I HATE ants. Especially in my kitchen. I go absolutely crazy. Nutso. The family has to make me leave the room. Terro has saved my life. OK, maybe not my life, but at least my sanity. It is the only thing we have ever found in years of dealing with ants that actually works. We haven't used the big bag of Terro, but have used the little bottle of viscous liquid & for two years the little traps. The ants are quite attracted to Terro (yum-yum), then take it back to their cozy home and you don't have any more invaders. It's a great invention. Hope it works well for you, too.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore