Saturday, May 10, 2008

Amy's Shower

Now this is my kind of shower. Dinner out, dessert and time to hang out at our place afterwards. I arrived at Red Robin early to get a table for the 5 of us since they don't take reservations. I was armed with balloons and table decorations to make it as festive as possible (and probably also to ease my guilt that we were going out instead of me cooking a nice dinner for everyone). I arrived at our table only to find out that there had been some mix up and there were two high chairs waiting for us. I quickly flagged the server over and said, "These have GOT to go!" C'mon, this is my one night out without whiny kids and they're ruining it! Anyway, we got that all resolved and I promptly ordered myself a beer before the pregnant lady arrived so as not to be rude by drinking in front of her. As a result I ended up pretty much chugging it and after that the evening was even more enjoyable. We had a great dinner, highlighted by a visit from "Red" himself. Afterwards we had strawberry cupcakes, ice cream, and opened gifts up at our house. (Anton had quarantined himself in the back room playing Heroes of Might and Magic to avoid all the estrogen). Amy is due in just over a month and like all the girls at work she is torturing me by not knowing the gender. So we all wait in suspense for the coming weeks!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore