Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderful time at Whidbey this weekend... enjoyed the sunshine and good times with our family. We also ate ourselves silly and had lots of good laughs: we played Tripoly of course (the official game of Whidbey) and a new game, Dicecapades, which was fun except that Nana and I seemed to get all the hard questions and as a result we got creamed! Oh well... We took a ton of pictures over the weekend...

Greg and Anja taking to the waves.
The Matriarch... and do we ever love her!
Jack hanging out with his grandparents.

We're cool, but not too cool to play in the sand.

Anton and Mo hanging out in the kayak.

We love Puget Sound!

Jack liked his lifejacket for about 1 minute, but as he was waiting for his turn in the kayak, his lack of mobility soon caused him to scream!

Thanks to my own insanity, masechism, or whatever you want to call it, I'm in a busy time of year with two S.U. classes plus end-of-the-year stuff at JFK. Thankfully the above beverages helped me get a little work done over the weekend and still have plenty of time to play.

Jack spent 90% of the weekend holding this favorite red firetruck. It went everywhere with him, including into the water. Both Monica and Jack went swimming, which is good because it means that camp water will feel warm to them.

Did I mention we ate ourselves silly?

Showing off their new suits.

The boys hangin' out at the beach.

...and when we're done at the beach, there's always art projects to keep busy!

All in all a great time, and we're glad we'll be even closer to Nana at Whidbey this summer while we're up at camp.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore