Sunday, February 28, 2010

Saltwater State Park

Sunday afternoon Keri and I loaded up the four kids and headed to Saltwater State Park in Des Moines. We had an awesome day full of outdoor fun. We started on the playground, but that didn't last long.

Four kids + four buckets = happiness
Beautiful view from the beach. I didn't catch it on film but you could see Mt. Constance peeking out over the clouds.

The sun was out and everyone got good and wet. I love that we live 10 minutes from salt water: how lucky are we!

Next we changed into tennis shoes and headed out for a hike. There is a great trail that circles all around the park, including some elevation gain. However, it was a lot muddier than we predicted, and by the end we were caked, yes CAKED in mud. It was awesome. The kids were troopers and hiked the whole way like champs.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I have fond memories of Saltwater State Park. My fourth grade class took a field trip out there to see the tide pools. Thanks for the reminder.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore