Saturday, February 27, 2010

A day at Hec-Ed

We spent pretty much all of Saturday at Hec-Ed, starting with watching the alumni game for former Husky women's basketball players. Seeing players my age brick up 3's made me feel much better about my own athletic demise. Here's Monica ready for the day and armed with her pink basketball:
To kill time between the alumni game and the real game (Huskies vs.WSU), the kids and I explored the arena while Anton pulled out his books to study. We climbed to the very top row, which the kids thought was SO cool. Monica said, "I wish we could have seats up HERE!"

As one of several promos for the day, Monica got her face painted. They also had a poster-coloring station and free purple and gold pom-poms.
And BONUS: Monica met Governor Gregoire and posed for this photo. See? A reason to attend basketball games even if you're not a sports fan. At least if you're a Democrat.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore