Friday, January 9, 2009

New Decade

As most of you know I turned 30 last month. Many people asked how I "feel" about being 30. The answer is (basically) no big deal. I lived most of my 20's like most people live their 30s so I figure the next 10 years won't be that different. However, there have been a few humorous moments related to this new decade.
When I went to my hairstylist, and good friend, in mid-December, I told her as dramatically as possible that I'd found some gray hairs around the edge of my forehead and to PLEASE SAVE ME ! She took a look and said, "Yeah, you have like TWO." So we had a good laugh and she threw some dye on them.
Then, somewhere right around my birthday I hurt my back. I think I overdid it on the machines at the fitness center. So last weekend I was lying on the couch, whining about my sore back, when Anton comes in, lies down on the floor and moans, saying his muscles are sore from guess what?... giving the kids horsie rides. What a pair!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore