Thursday, October 16, 2008


Our house is just over 1300 square feet. With the four of us (and usually sundry friends and relations hanging out here) the house can seem a little small sometimes. But as long as I keep it picked up, it's generally quite comfortable for the present. My greatest nemesis when it comes to keeping the house tidy is toys. Ten minutes before this picture was taken the playroom was clean. In a short time, Jack managed to create a mine field of toys. Here you see him working on the clock puzzle, having just finished dumping the pieces out of the other two puzzle boxes on the floor. Hey, at least he puts them back in! You'll also notice that he unfolded my favorite UW blanket and threw it on the floor and has various toys lined up on the couch. And this picture doesn't even show it all! With Monica we were very strict about having her put toys away before she gets out something new, but Jack hasn't seemed to grasp that concept yet (and we've been a bit lazier with him, I'll admit). For some reason I felt really tired this afternoon and didn't pick anything up. And by the time Anton got home it looked like a tornado had hit our house!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore