I don't write much on the blog about work, as I try to just keep the content to kids, family, and friends. However, every once in a while it's fun to record what's going on at good ol' JFK High. First of all, I totally love my job. I don't know how I ended up so lucky but every year I love it more and more. Anyway, one of my jobs this year is Link Crew: working with junior and senior student leaders who organize and lead the freshman orientation and the 8th grade visit day. Last Friday was the 8th grade visit day when over 200 8th graders from local middle schools come to JFK to see what our school is all about. The official name of the day is "Taste of Kennedy," although years ago Jill and I fondly named it "Burien Bites."
Here are some highlights from last Friday:
Fearless leaders: me and Katie, my best bud at work
As the buses arrive with the 8th graders, they are greeted with the drumline and spirit squad. We all think it's cool, although from the 8th graders' perspective it might be just a wee bit intimidating.
We closed the day by having the 8th graders attend a pep assembly with the whole student body. One of the great things about having Jack at daycare on campus is that Annie (our main staff person) usually brings the kids over to watch pep assemblies. Jack especially loved hearing the band and watching all the silly big kids!
Okay, I'm just commenting all your posts recently. That picture of you and Katie is really cute. And thank you for the little video of Taste of -- err...Burien Bites (and LOL on that). Despite the craziness, that was always one of my favorite days of the year. I love our drum line.
Ah . . . Mariner High School just doesn't have events like this. I might just miss this ever exhausting day. Maybe. :)
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