Yesterday morning after the troops left we had a staff Hullabaloo race (this is the relay race that the troops do on Friday afternoons, so we had a staff version). The race is made up of running, canoeing, and swimming. The teams were made up by area, so it was office/camp management, beach crew, Scoutcraft crew, eco/craftlodge crew, and one final team made up of staff from the clmbing tower/medical staff/trading post crew. You might think that beach crew would have done well, or perhaps some of the teams with "younger" guys, but no, office/camp management RULES! The minute I heard that Ken and Mike (our camp director and assistant camp director) were our canoers, I knew we were going to kick butt. Others on our team doubted them, but I knew that when you've seen as many races as they have, they would know how to win (I've also seen Ken uproot a live tree with his bare hands, so I figured canoeing would be a piece of cake). Here's our victorious team photo. For a blow-by-blow, read the description on Mike's blog: Go to, then click on ACD Blog. Really, it was a blast.
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