Friday, July 11, 2008

Lost tooth... literally

Well, Monica's tooth finally came out yesterday. it was a little anti-climactic... during lunchtime line-up I suddenly noticed that her tooth wasn't there anymore. It had been hanging by a thread for days, but I thought it was pretty funny that she didn't even notice when I it came out. When I told her about it, she immediately got excited and began searching the ground for it, though I had a hunch it had been engulfed by the expanse of camp.
As expected, it we couldn't find it, so Monica wrote the following note to the Tooth Fairy:
"Dear Tooth Fairy, I lost my tooth at Camp Parsons. Sorry I can't find it. See you soon. Love, Monica."
And the tooth fairy must be very compassionate because this morning a dollar bill was tucked under her pillow. She immediately declared that she was going to spend her dollar on Polly Pockets, and I had to gently remind her that it would take a few more teeth to afford that!

1 comment:

McMahan family said...

My goodness, this is SO CUTE.

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore