Jack loves pears. There's not even a close second when it comes to his favorite fruit. He probably eats an entire can of them every other day. This means we go through a flat of pears from Costco every week and that's assuming Monica hasn't had any. We might as well grow our own orchard at this rate.
And while I'm on the topic of snacks, Monica came home from preschool today with a creative treat. Her class is studying hibernation, so they each took a dixie cup, put in a few gummy bears and covered them with chocolate cookie crumbles (to look like dirt.) This afternoon she had fun eating her way to finding them. Another part of the unit at school was for each child to leave a stuffed bear in class for a week to hibernate. Monica had one of hers all picked out, but then got cold feet in the end (big shock) and at the last minute decided she'd rather leave one of Jack's bears in her classroom instead. (It's moments like these that I realize how much conflict we're going to have when Jack actually knows what's going on and can verbalize it!) But even after all this, according to her teacher NONE of the kids were willing to leave their precious bears to hibernate in class so the activity didn't work in the end after all! Sorry, bears, no rest for you this winter!
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