It was quite a bash at our place New year's eve. It was pizza and pajamas, and everyone... except Kristine :(... dressed to impress with cows, Poohs, snowflakes, polar bears, and even Seahawks printed jammies! Jill won the prize for best PJ's with her cow pants and fuzzy bathrobe. We made homemade pizzas, hence the sign on the door: "MO & JACK'S PIZZA SHACK." We also had an assortment of other food items that start with "P."Hilarity ensued when we played the game Dicecapades which had us running, arm wrestling, drawing, and answering trivia for over 3 hours. The Martins' made a cameo appearance at 10pm and we had a record 4 rooms filled with sleeping kids.
Each person made one resolution and one prediction for 2008, which ranged in everything from workout regimens to kids' milestones to the presidential election.
If I put Anton's and mine on the blog maybe they are more likely to be fulfilled, but probably not.
Anton's resolution: spend more time with his brothers
Anton's prediction: Obama will get the democratic nomination for president
My resolution: to eat healthier (details vague on purpose)
My prediction: Jenny will get engaged before '08 is over
So Happy New Year everyone! As my sister-in-law Mia would say, "Have fun, and when you're done doing that, have some more fun!"