Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June Pregnancy Update

Well, Anton's mom is still recovering in Spokane and has not been able to come home yet. So tomorrow I am headed over for a couple of days to
do my tour of duty,
get on my father-in-law's good side,
vacation in the sun,
help out so Anton's Dad can have a break in Seattle.
With all of this, the house not selling yet, and other end-of-the-school-year things, having a baby seems to be the last thing I remember to think about these days. Oh my back and hips remind me frequently that I am pregnant, but for some reason I don't realize too often that a baby will inevitably follow. For example, we are supposed to go camping with the Martins at the end of July. When it looked like we might move at that time I told Keri, "Well if it doesn't work in July we could just go camping on Labor Day weekend." She looked at me like I was crazy to which I said, "What?" She said, perplexed, "Uh, aren't you having a baby right about then?"
"Oh, right. I forgot!"
See what I mean?
Anyway, we are are pleased that every indication (ultrasound, tests etc.) points to a healthy baby boy on the way. I am right on track with my normal massive weight gain (thank you, cocoa puffs) to produce a healthy size kid. I am most excited that school is done for the year because I no longer have to choose between my three work-friendly maternity outfits and can just roll out of bed in basketball shorts and a t-shirt every day.
The weather outside has only been 70 degrees max, but I have already reached my temperature limit. I am constantly hot, especially at night, and haven't worn a sweatshirt in a week. Oh dear, this could be a long summer. With no Hood Canal at my doorstep this summer, I will probably alternate between a bathtub full of ice cubes and flashing the neighbors while trying to make the most of our new in-window air conditioning unit. If you come over for a visit, make sure you knock first!
Despite the agony of first trimester nausea, this pregnancy has gone quickly. Only two more months to go!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore