This week Monica and Jack are attending "Fish School" (swim lessons) at the Renton pool with Kyle and Tyler. After a few tears on the first day everyone now seem to be having a great time. They especially like playing in the fountain after class!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Weekly Happenings
Here are a few recent photos including our goddaughter Ella's 2nd birthday, several games of bocce ball, and tickle-fest with Dad:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Staff Week 2010
Strawberry Festival Weekend
Saturday the four of us attended the Marysville Strawberry Festival with Buck and Tina and family. But first the kids had to check out their new inflatable water toy!
At the festival, Monica and Jack enjoyed the Kids Carnival, especially the train and bouncy house.
It got a little late to stay for the parade, so we opted for pizza at Buck and Tina's instead. Then Auntie Tina offered a bubble bath to Monica and Jack and Kealy, their neice. Bubbles and water are fun BUT...
Turn on the jets and it's crazy awesome!
Last Day of School
The kids had their last day of school last Wednesday while I was in Spokane. Anton took the day off from work to be present at all of the festivities. Jack and Tyler got to try out graduation caps:
Monica sadly said goodbye to her teacher Mrs. Hanson and her St. Francis friends.
But was excited to attend the all-school swim party with Kyle in the afternoon!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June Pregnancy Update
Well, Anton's mom is still recovering in Spokane and has not been able to come home yet. So tomorrow I am headed over for a couple of days to
help out so Anton's Dad can have a break in Seattle.
With all of this, the house not selling yet, and other end-of-the-school-year things, having a baby seems to be the last thing I remember to think about these days. Oh my back and hips remind me frequently that I am pregnant, but for some reason I don't realize too often that a baby will inevitably follow. For example, we are supposed to go camping with the Martins at the end of July. When it looked like we might move at that time I told Keri, "Well if it doesn't work in July we could just go camping on Labor Day weekend." She looked at me like I was crazy to which I said, "What?" She said, perplexed, "Uh, aren't you having a baby right about then?"
"Oh, right. I forgot!"
See what I mean?
Anyway, we are are pleased that every indication (ultrasound, tests etc.) points to a healthy baby boy on the way. I am right on track with my normal massive weight gain (thank you, cocoa puffs) to produce a healthy size kid. I am most excited that school is done for the year because I no longer have to choose between my three work-friendly maternity outfits and can just roll out of bed in basketball shorts and a t-shirt every day.
The weather outside has only been 70 degrees max, but I have already reached my temperature limit. I am constantly hot, especially at night, and haven't worn a sweatshirt in a week. Oh dear, this could be a long summer. With no Hood Canal at my doorstep this summer, I will probably alternate between a bathtub full of ice cubes and flashing the neighbors while trying to make the most of our new in-window air conditioning unit. If you come over for a visit, make sure you knock first!
Despite the agony of first trimester nausea, this pregnancy has gone quickly. Only two more months to go!
End of First Grade
Tomorrow is Monica's last day of first grade. How time flies! Here she is at yesterday's end-of-the-year class party enjoying a bowl of ice cream.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Good News
Good News in general from us Kramers. Anton's mom is continuing to improve. It will still be a long road but we have reason to hope and celebrate.
Yesterday Anton and I headed to his parents' house to take care of some chores for them while they are away. At 5pm when we were about to leave, I got a call from an agent wanting to show her clients our house. Yes! More good news! Unfortunately I had been slacking off on keeping it perfectly tidy and had to rush home to do some last minute clean-up before they arrived. I also had a crock-pot full of Teriyaki chicken cooked in the kitchen. This posed an interesting predicament. I put the crock-pot in the driveway to cool while I cleaned, then put the kids, the crock-pot, and a bag of uncooked rice in the van. We pulled out of the driveway just as the potential buyers pulled in. I was going to head to the Martins to finish cooking our dinner and feed everyone but it was already late and we were all hungry. I couldn't fathom waiting 20 min for rice to cook. So we headed to the local McDonalds... yes, with a crock-pot of hot teriyaki chicken in the car. The whole thing was so crazy and ridiculous and I was so exhausted I let the kids order whatever they wanted and even said yes to the 2-for-1 apple pie deal offered by the girl behind the counter.
I guess tonight's menu is leftover teriyaki.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Star of the Week
Monica is "Star of the Week" at school. She was SO excited, you'd think she won the lottery. She wrote lots of facts about herself on her poster, and included a photo of herself backpacking at Lower Lena last summer.
Whidbey Weekend
We had a great holiday weekend at Great Nana C's on Whidbey Island. My parents came to visit for the day on Saturday. Nana Barb's chocolate cupcakes were a huge hit:
At Sunday's farmer's market held at Greenbank Farms, Monica and Jack enjoyed swinging and learning about bees with their cousin Lauren:
We also spent a fair amount of time reading and snoozing:
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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore