Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday Part 2

At 11pm Thursday night, Keri and Marilyn and I headed down to Walmart. I know, I know... people get murdered at Walmart on Black Fridays, but since Tim is now the head of security at this particular store we felt incredibly safe. We also got the inside scoop: the sale items that were supposed to be available at 5AM were actually starting at midnight. Not many people knew this, so we were among the few shoppers out cashing in on the deals. The only problem was that there were about 100 employees breaking open merchandise at that hour so trying to push a cart through was almost impossible. But it was really fun (that crazy-I'm-exhausted-fun) and I got almost everything on my list...

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore