Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Cross Country '09: First Meet
Cross Country '09: Practice
Jenny and Ernie's Wedding
Walking down the aisle, Jenny looked amazing. I started to tear up but then had to give myself a serious internal pep-talk to pull it together since I was about to do a reading.
This photo was a little blurry. They did two cultural pieces as part of the mass involving Ernie tying a necklace around Jenny and the sari over her head as a sign that he will protect her. It looked very polished at the wedding itself, but it was quite another story at the rehearsal where it took about 15 minutes for everyone to figure out exactly how the ceremony is supposed to be done. I was sitting in the pew with all of the groomsmen and we had a good chuckle.
At the reception: Amy, myself, Erin, and Liz. Anton and I, and then the girls joined by Jenny.
(You guys are still going DOWN in 2-on-2 basketball though!!!)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Camp Pigott and Camp Brinkley
But the rest of the camp was almost exactly the same, and probably has been for the last 40 years. Maybe it will be Jack's first camp.
Exciting stuff
Monday, September 14, 2009
First day of preschool!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
At it again
The next organizing project is our CD collection. Do I really need that old Mike and the Mechanics CD, especially since it's already in our itunes library? I think not.
Then of course we have the fact that Anton is still on strike. The process for him has been frustrating and stressful. We have been trying to make the best of it by spending more family time together when I get off work and having couples' time hanging out in the evenings playing a board game or watching a movie. And he has enjoyed doing some projects around the house and in the garden. He even did the Costco run for me yesterday. Symbolic of his current work situation: this is the spot he always puts out his work clothes for the next day before bed. Last night he had his sweatpants there.
And finally Miss Monica. What a big first-grader she is. Her two top teeth are coming in as well. We started a chores/allowance program for her. She has a list of about 6 things she needs to do at least once (or when asked) by the end of the week to earn a dollar. Here she is refilling Cinder's food dish.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Forts, Teeter-totters, and more
Friday, September 4, 2009
Springbrook Trout Farm
Thankfully, they clean and gut the fish for you. Monica and Kyle were fascinated.
"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore
Blog Archive
- Happy First Grader!
- Bike Buddies
- Cross Country '09: First Meet
- Cross Country '09: Practice
- Jenny and Ernie's Wedding
- Camp Pigott and Camp Brinkley
- Exciting stuff
- First day of preschool!
- He's back in the saddle again...
- At it again
- Forts, Teeter-totters, and more
- Springbrook Trout Farm
- First Sleepover
- FIRST day of FIRST grade