Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Day Sunday

Kramer family snow day procedures:
1. If it's a school day, Anton gets up and eats breakfast but puts off showering until the last possible moment he might have to go to work. Upon hearing that school is closed he falls back into bed to sleep for another 2 hours
2. Anton makes a huge hot breakfast. Kids start to get up. Anne keeps sleeping.
3. Anne gets up. We eat breakfast and then lie around in sweats or PJ's all morning, watch TV, read etc.
5. Anton takes kids outside. I brave the cold for 5 seconds on the front stoop just to snap a few photos, then hurry back inside.
6. Put everyone in the bath to warm up
7. Change back into sweats or PJ's
8. The obligatory snow day afternoon nap
9. Graze the house for junk food, call all our friends (this is the part where I start to get a little stir crazy)
10. Hope for more snow so that school will be canceled again tomorrow (by the 3rd day though, I am ready for the snow to melt and not return again until next year!)
Since today's snow day was a Sunday, we honored most of the above traditions although weren't missing any school to do so. We are expecting a few more snow showers overnight, giving us hope that tomorrow will be another cozy snow day!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore