Monday, December 22, 2008

A Day Alone in the Snow

I am getting quite tired of snow. I'm ready for clear streets so I can go runnnig or at least jump in the car whenever I want to go somewhere. Yesterday Anton went to the Seahawks game. (They WON, isn't that amazing???) I was very happy for him to get out of the house to do something fun with friends, however being cooped up in the house with the kids all day alone brought my stir-craziness to new levels.

At age 5, Monica is very good at quietly entertaining herself. Here she is spending at least 30 minutes completing a book of Christmas dot-to-dot pictures:

Jack on the other hand has another idea of how to keep himself busy. Here he is unloading the game cupboard:

I took them outside for a while. A thin layer of ice had formed in between the two days' snow which made it very hard for Jack to walk. He quickly got frustrated and wanted me to take him inside. Monica, however, wanted me to stay out with her and build snow castles.

When Anton finally arrived home he entertained the kids by showing them the Seahawks program and baking cookies with them.
OK, enough snow... let's get back to rainy Seattle please!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I hear you on this one, sister! I was cooped up for almost 7 days straight with Izzy. G was out of town & then worked all weekend. I'm SO excited to go to work today!!

I hope you have a great birthday!

- Jessie

"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore