Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Storms last week

Last week we had some significant wind storms. It was quite a sight to see. The photo here doesn't capture the sound of the howling wind and crashing waves very well, but you can use your imagination.

The kids and I spent some cozy time inside the cabin during the storms. They enjoyed a video under a blanket with Cinder, while I delved into my next read over a plate of leftover thai food from this weekend.

The other interesting event last week was a small earthquake: 3.8 off of Port Townsend. I was sitting quietly watching one of my many versions of Jane Eyre when I felt the couch jolt. It felt like Ken had rammed the backhoe into Queets. Realizing what was happening, I started panicking at the possibility that it had been a preamble to the "big one" that could hit any second, and how would I get both kids to safety by myself while Anton is over at Dose? Luckily, nothing else happened, except for the following exchange over the camp walkie-talkies:

Anne: Did anyone else feel a small shake, like an earthquake.

Patrick: I think I might have felt something.

McNellis: No, we didn't feel anything... (followed by several comments about me being crazy and imagining things.)

I enjoyed a "told you so" moment with Mike the next morning when we heard on the news that yes, there was indeed a small quake!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore