Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Son is Two

OK, not really. He's actually 20 months to be exact, but we sure are getting some heavy doses of stereotypical "two's" behavior! I have noticed being home all week for spring break that Jack is much more assertive when big sister is not around. In some ways I am glad about this... wouldn't want to raise a total pushover. However, I think we may really be in for it with him over the next few months, hopefully not years.

He has now figured out that he has opinions and how to tell us, even with his limited vocab of "yes" and "no." Here's a few recent examples:
-Today while waiting for Monica's class to be done we waited in the empty classroom across the hall where he played with some of the cars. When it was time to go I had to forcibly take the cars from him and strongarm him out of the room and up to the van while he threw a tantrum.
-When he is offered a toy he doesn't want, he will sometimes cry and throw it (we are REALLY trying to nip this one in the bud.)
-He wants to feed himself. And prefers not to have us cut up his food into toddler size bites, thank you very much.
-When at all possible he climbs into Kyle's booster seat in the van and pretends it is his.
-He prefers anything big boy over anything baby, when possible.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore